Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Donnie's Dementia is Getting Worse

Former President Trump suggested during an interview with television psychologist “Dr. Phil” McGraw that he would win California if Jesus Christ was the one counting ballots.
“If Jesus Christ came down and was the vote counter, I would win California, OK?” the former president added later. “In other words, if we had an honest vote counter, a really honest vote counter — I do great with Hispanics, great, I mean at a level no Republican has ever done. But if we had an honest vote counter, I would win California.”

Seemingly surprised, McGraw asked, “You think so?”

DonOLD is getting worse as the weeks pass. Joe Biden got 11,109,764 votes in California in 2020. The FOFF got 6,005,961. He didn't win California then and he's not going to this time around.

He is really losing his shit, bless his corrupt and blasted heart.


  1. He's counting on his minions to vote twice.. they can't.
    But in his demented mind 1+1 is millions.

    I want to see how he blows up on loosing day.


  2. Funny how you care about Donnie's dementia...but excused Joe's.

    1. Funny how you focused on Joe’s alleged dementia but excuse and ignore Donnie’s.

  3. Trump doesn't have dementia.

    1. Trump just shows the signs of dementia. It must just be an act. But personally having observed people myself my conclusion is, some that have likely had dementia seem to let out some undesirable personality traits just like some do when drinking. Trump had a load of those traits all his life. But now with even less inhibitions, just like a drunk.

  4. Because everything is about him and his goody buddy Jeebus. Now if we could only do what happened to Capn Wrong Way Peter Peachfuzz (on Rocky & Bullwinkle) and install him a fake White House Oval Office....let him play President until he croaks. Think of it as Preventative Detention.

  5. His memory of things is delusional then. There are conditions that cause that.


  6. Given his relationship with Putin, Demented Donnie should avoid blow-job jokes


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