Sunday, August 25, 2024

Thou Shalt Get Sidetracked by Bullshit, Every Goddamned Time; Mideast Ed.

Israel and Lebanon’s Hezbollah on Sunday launched their heaviest exchange of fire after months of strikes and counterstrikes that have raised fears of an all-out war.

By mid-morning, the exchange of fire had ended, with both sides saying they had only aimed at military targets. The Israeli strikes killed three militants in Lebanon, and Israel’s military said a soldier was killed by either an interceptor of incoming fire or shrapnel from one. But the situation remained tense.

No matter what the chance is for any tenuous peace, some aggrieved asshole will try to sidetrack, if not derail, the chances of stopping the shooting.


  1. Looks like they are just going to have to shoot it out to clear the decks. Everybody and their brother has tried to calm things down....

  2. They sure do like their war. No slight shall be unavenged. Bomb it to gravel and sift the gravel. Arms contractors must be sitting pretty with all this hardware being blown up. Hate to be a Gazan.


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