An economic forecaster is predicting chaos and revolution within the next four years.
Frankly, I think he is full of shit. When people talk about how someone "successfully predicted" something, I am contrarian enough to want to to know how many things a forecaster predicted that did not come to pass. You're probably not going to find much data about that.
For example, predicting the fall of the Soviet Union was near child's play for anyone who seriously looked at the data. Three were no shortage of people who foresaw as much. Similarly, the collapse of the housing bubble was openly talked about years ago and, in 2005, the Bush Administration was warned that the mortgage market was out of control.
There is a line about some indication having forecast 15 of the last 10 recessions. And that is what this smells like to me. That doesn't mean that maybe some preparedness is not in order. But unless you are going to set up a defensible position someplace remote and commit to shooting every stranger you see, there is only so much you can do.
(H/T to OneFly)
Not A (Sporting) Chance, Lady
1 hour ago
". . .there is only so much you can do."
Yeah, I don't buy his prediction completely either, but I'm into doing all I can to be ready for whatever.
For sure it's an opinion but the way things are coming together that possibility has greater odds of happening.
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