Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Random Thoughts

Two kinds of people worked for the COFF during his term. There were those that thought that he was nuts or a moron or a traitor and quit with their good names in tatters, and those that didn't and ended up with felony indictments.

He's a modern Medusa: Everyone he touches turns into shit.
The Veep debate is so meaningless that they might as well air it on QVC.
What the hell is wrong with people these days?

A man used construction equipment to drop a heavy boom lift onto a sculpture that has stood for 25 years outside St. Louis’ Cathedral Basilica, badly damaging it, police said.

It wasn’t immediately clear whether the Angel of Harmony, which stood 14 feet (4.3 meters) tall and depicts a Black angel protecting three children of various races, could be saved. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that part of one of the children was broken off and the angel’s wings appeared to be damaged.

The motive for Tuesday night’s vandalism was unknown, said police, who arrested a 35-year-old suspect

In Texas, this clown would have been shot on sight:

A man accused of stalking and harassing UConn basketball star Paige Bueckers said on social media that he intended to marry her and had an engagement ring and lingerie in his possession when he was arrested near a Connecticut airport, according to police reports.

At least he didn't try to shoot someone in order to impress her.
At a luncheon a few days ago, another diner was discussing the security upgrades to school classroom doors. When I was a kid, they didn't even lock. The only threats were fires, tornadoes and Russian ICBMs. What a country we've become that we now have to have security doors in schools.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Just Fucking Brilliant

Pagers used by hundreds of members of the militant group Hezbollah exploded near simultaneously in Lebanon and Syria on Tuesday, killing at least nine people – including an 8-year-old girl -- and wounding several thousand, officials said. They blamed Israel in what appeared to be a sophisticated, remote attack.

Among those wounded was Iran’s ambassador to Lebanon. The mysterious incident came amid rising tensions between Israel and Iran-backed Hezbollah, which have exchanged fire across the Israel-Lebanon border since the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas that sparked the war in Gaza.

The pagers that exploded had been newly acquired by Hezbollah after the group’s leader ordered members to stop using cell phones, warning they could be tracked by Israeli intelligence. A Hezbollah official told The Associated Press the pagers were a new brand the group had not used before

That's the sort of spy/sabotage operation of spy thrillers. The Iranian ambassador in lebanon had a Hezbollah exploding pager, which tells something about how tight the Iranians and Hezbollah are. It's going to be fun when Hezbollah hands out new pagers and tries to convince everyone that the new ones are safe.

The Lebanese are squawking about this being a violation of their sovereignity. Seems to me that if your country has a militant group that is run by a foreign power partially occupying your territory, you don't have much ground to complain about sovereignity.

Gasping These Down, Here

JD Vance must have the world's longest dick,
because he keeps stepping on it.

Monday, September 16, 2024

David Muir, FYI:

It's "former president", fuckhead.

CIA, You Got Your Ears On?

An idea from elsewhere:

Years ago, I was shopping in Albertson's and they had noticeable Muzak. I thought the song was familiar and it was Country Joe and Fish's VietNam song as an orchestral. Made me laugh.

I thought the CIA should make a version in Russian about Ukraine and beam it into Russia.

Seems like a fine idea.

Old School Revolver Use

Speedloader use in the Indiana Highway Patrol:

Note that he has two speedloaders, so he's carrying a total of eighteen rounds to do the needful. That's a far cry from today's bullet-hoses.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

JD Vance Admits That He Tells Lies

In a stunning admission, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, JD Vance, said he was willing “to create stories” on the campaign trail while defending his spreading false, racist rumors of pets being abducted and eaten in a town in his home state of Ohio.

Vance’s remarks came during an appearance on Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union, where he said he felt the need “to create stories so that the … media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people”.

Asked by the CNN host Dana Bash whether the false rumors centering on Springfield, Ohio, were “a story that you created”, Vance replied, “Yes!”

So there we have it: Vance lies and he admits to lying. You can't believe a word he says about anything, which makes him a perfect running mate for Felon^34.

Pete Buttigieg has the right of it:

Sick as it sounds, the COFF and the Sofaphile would rather us talk about their fake stories than things like abortion, voting rights and so on. They'd rather we talk about whether or not Cadet Bone Spurs is cheating, again, on his wife.

Never Interrupt Your Opponent While He's Making a Mistake

Some enterprising reporter asked the Harris campaign what they had to say about Felonious Don hanging with Laura Loomer:

The Harris campaign did not respond to a request for comment on Loomer’s association with Trump.

No shit, why even say anything?

More normal Republicans, even the Space Laser Lady, think Loomer's toxic. But she flatters the FOFF no end and that makes him feel special. Because he has the fragile ego of a tweener. So he'll put up with the risk of palling around with someone who is about as racist and bigoted as your average Klan member since, besides the flattery, his views align with hers rather perfectly.

But maybe he thinks that if people are yammering about Loomer, they're not focusing on the fact that he was president for four years, tried to repeal ObamaCare dozens of times and he still has no clue as to what he would replace it with. Eight, nine years of screaming about the ACA, how bad it is, and he only has a "concept of a plan" to replace it.

If he didn't have his buddies writing Project 2025, he'd have no plans at all, other than to try and stay out of prison.

Also, his debate performance dropped his net worth by half-a-billion clams.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Four Years Ago

This is what I remember:
  • Gas was cheap because nobody was driving anywhere.  The economy in the last year of Dolt-45s term was so bad that the oil producers were effectively giving crude oil away.
  • The economy was in such peril that the Trump Administration was handing out large loans to businesses under Covid programs, loans that did not have to be paid back.  (Many of the GOP politicians who today carp about forgiving student loans took six figures or better in such free money.)
  • The economy seemed to be in such peril that the Trump Administration was handing out thousands of dollars to every taxpayer, regardless of whether or not they were well employed or not.
  • All that extra money that was shoveled out so people could go on spending sprees, resulted in supply-chain shortages and inflation.  (So yes, the inflation of the last few years can be laid at his tiny feet.)
  • The airlines, which had thought they were profitable without end, had billions of dollars given to them to keep them from evaporating.
  • Trump prioritized what states got Covid relief based on how nice the governors were to him.
  • Trump's rallies became superspreader events, killing some of his supporters (including Herman Cain).  Hell, almost every event he had, large and small, was better known for sickening people.
  • Trump’s mishandling if the pandemic, his half-measures, his delayed actions and promotion of medical and pseudo-pharmacological quackery cost hundreds of thousands of lives.
  • Because of the foregoing, the death toll in areas where his supporters were a higher percentage of the population had needlessly higher death rates.
  • And, lets not forget, the death toll in some cities from the Trump Flu was so high that refrigerated trailers had to be lined up to hold the bodies.
But Felon^34 keeps saying that things were so great and there is no shortage of people who believe him.

GOP Targets Stupid Muslims, plus MAGA Terrorism

A group seemingly aligned with the Republican party is targeting areas in Michigan that are home to large Arab American and Muslim communities with digital ads purporting to “celebrate” the Jewish faith of Kamala Harris’s husband, Douglas Emhoff.

Right, ads that support the guy who tried to ban all Muslims from entering the country and who pals around with a lunatic who thinks that merican Muslim women celebrate terrorism and who refuses to get into a rideshare car driven by a Muslim.

These are ratfuck ads that require that the viewers be as dumb as the average attendee at a Trump rally.

Speaking of stupid Trump supporters..

Bomb threats on Friday forced the evacuation and closure of public schools and municipal buildings for a second consecutive day, as the city continues to deal with sudden national attention due to false claims involving its Haitian population.

Hillary Clinton was wrong, in that she underestimated the depravity of the kind of Trump supporters who think it's fun to call in bomb threats to schools.

Here's hoping that the FBI and the Ohio cops spare no resources in finding the trolls who did this and bring them to justice.


The gamblers, aka people who think about this shit, are calling Vice President Harris to be a 2-1 favorite.

I'm not sure what the value of that is, but we shall see.


Because It's Friday

German streamlined steam:

There is narration, but not speaking German, it all sounds like deployment orders to the 7th Panzer Division.

Good Question, Indeed.

From here.

Good question, Herr Rove.

Vance Advocates Surrendering to Putin in Order to Have Peace in Our Time

Make no mistake: His self-styled peace plan is nothing more than a surrender. His idea is what Russia keeps what it has taken and Ukraine is left on its own to whither. it's a plan Putin can love and it's based on the usual lies about how the Europeans have not been doing their part to support Ukraine. And it's a plan that likely sounds even harsher in its original Russian.

This is nothing more than an appeasement plan. But other than the USSR, it has been Republican ideology for generations that dictators are to be admired and appeased. Because they have a deep-seated hatred of democracy.

And anybody who doesn't think that Vance's appeasement plan won't lead to more aggression by Russia is pretty fucking ignorant.

Shorter Trump: Sieg Heil!

Twice this past summer, Donald Trump’s golf club in Bedminster, N.J. has featured speeches from a rioter convicted of participating in the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol, who has a well-documented history of extreme antisemitic and racist rants.

One of those events — a fundraiser for a controversial nonprofit group that supports Capitol riot defendants — was personally endorsed by Trump himself in a video message that was played for the room.

All of the people there, you’re amazing patriots,” Trump said in the video. “Have a great time at Bedminster.”

As part of his criminal case over Jan. 6, federal prosecutors described the rioter, Timothy Hale-Cusanelli, as a “white supremacist and Nazi sympathizer,” who told his coworkers at a naval weapons station that “Hitler should have finished the job” and “babies born with any deformities or disabilities should be shot in the forehead.”

This is worse than the "good people on both sides" stupidity. The COFF's people knew, or should have known, the ramifications of having an admitted Nazi speak, twice, at his golf club.

But I believe that he knew and he didn't care. That can be shown by the fact that he seems to love hanging out with racists and lunatics like Laura Loomer.

No one can keep former President Donald Trump away from Laura Loomer.

Throughout his third presidential campaign, aides and advisers have done their best to shield him from Loomer, a far-right social media influencer, and similar figures who stroke his ego and stoke his basest political instincts.

They lost that battle this week, as Loomer traveled on Trump’s jet to his debate with Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday and to Sept. 11 memorial services Wednesday. Her presence at the latter infuriated some Democrats and Republicans because one of the many conspiracy theories she has promoted is the false notion that the terrorist assault on the U.S. was an “inside job.” It wasn’t.

Loomer’s return to Trump’s side is pitting key figures in his coalition against one another, testing the strength of a campaign already reeling from his subpar debate performance Tuesday and Democrats’ resurgence in the wake of their July candidate switch. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., major Trump allies in Congress who represent opposite ends of the Republican ideological spectrum, are publicly pressing him to ditch her. Loomer fired back Thursday with a string of invective about Graham.

Loomer's been spewing racist shit, which is one of the reason why Trump likes her so much. She says what he wants to say and flatters his ego in the process. Remember, the reason he gave for choosing that Hillbilly Trainwreck of a running-mate was because "he likes me the best." Yet she is so far out there that even the Jewish Space Laser Lady can't stomach her hate.

Anyone who obsequieously flatters Don Snoreleone has the key to his heart. Loomer knows that.

Thursday, September 12, 2024


He's been running for the last nine years, he was in office for four, he tried to repeal ObamaCare about fifty times and yet he still has no plan for what he would do if he managed to repeal it? A competent politician would have had a plan ready eight years ago, so he could have said "we want to repeal ObamaCare and this is what we're going to replace it with."

You'd think he know that. After all, when he divorced his first two wives, he had the replacements ready. Hell, he had a child by #2 before finalizing the divorce of #1.

The other point is that the media is pretty much ignoring that the FOFF doesn't have a plan while if Biden had said that, it indeed would have been the leading story for days. I believe that this is the case because the owners of the papers want their tax breaks and will happily see the country burned to the ground as long as they get money from it.