Friday, September 27, 2024

Does the FOFF Believe That He is Going to Lose?

Donald Trump is now hawking a new line of watches, some with an eye popping six-figure price tag – the latest example of the former president cashing in on his name like no presidential candidate ever has.

The GOP nominee announced his latest branded merchandise, Trump Watches, on social media Thursday – 40 days before the election and on a day when he did not appear on the campaign trail. He told his supporters the watches would make good Christmas gifts and then directed them to a link where they could be purchased.

The watches retail for $499 but one series – Tourbillon – is priced at $100,000. They come in three different colors and are limited in number to 147.

He's been selling NFTs, Bibles, sneakers, cryptocurrency, silver coins, picture books, pieces of his suits and other shit which I've forgotten about. He's been pushing one thing out after another, as though he knows that his time to cash in is limited.

Maybe he figures that it'll be harder to sell shit from Sing Sing. Being on office wouldn't slow him down, not since his lackys on the Supreme Court declared that almost everything he did there would be an official act.

His merch, though, functions as sort of a reverse IQ test: Anyone who buys that crap is showing a serious lack thereof.

ETA: Jimmy Kimmel called him "Rolex Luthor". Heh.


  1. I've been going on about this for a bit, how he's getting set to split. Imagine the shit that could be stirred up not to mention money to be made were he to skip and some (Saudi, S African, Soviet?) sugar-daddy sets him as a media Pretendident in Exile? Bear in mind the original, 2016 plan was to lose and setup a teevee network televangelizing the big bucks out of the rubes crying “rigged!”. Could literally just keep doing what he's doing until we bomb it

    Though actually leaving the country might be a challenge, that secret service detail with a couple black eyes is a double-edged saw …

    1. Well, no. All he has to do is have the boss of the detail ride with him to the airport, where he would then hand the detail chief a letter declining SS coverage. The detail head would probably ask him if he was sure, he'd say yes, and then the detail would pull back and watch him fly away to Qatar or Moscow.

  2. The watches are hideous. What next? Gold chains to go with the gold sneakers? Rendition is too good for this miscreant.

    1. Exile. Rendition is bringing him back here. And who wants that?

  3. Awe shucks - I really wanted to see him perp walked with chains of stainless steel clinking as background music.

  4. Sell shit get money no crime in that... that's the cover. Are the taxes paid?

    As to running, hunt him down drag him back and add 5 years.


  5. Trump believes that, somehow, the Party, and Elon Musk, and Leonard Leo, and groups like TPUSA, and other more nebulous entities, are going to pick him up and carry him across the finish line, for their own reasons and on their own dime. And he thinks that after that, he will be able to act like they don't own him.

    He may be right.

  6. If Trump thought of it he could sell gold colored face paint , like the silver used in the Wizard of Oz by Jack Haley as the Tin Man. That would definitely identify the true MAGAs, especially if it doesn't wash off or they just don't bother.
    "Red over gold, We are bold."


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