Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Random Thoughts

Two kinds of people worked for the COFF during his term. There were those that thought that he was nuts or a moron or a traitor and quit with their good names in tatters, and those that didn't and ended up with felony indictments.

He's a modern Medusa: Everyone he touches turns into shit.
The Veep debate is so meaningless that they might as well air it on QVC.
What the hell is wrong with people these days?

A man used construction equipment to drop a heavy boom lift onto a sculpture that has stood for 25 years outside St. Louis’ Cathedral Basilica, badly damaging it, police said.

It wasn’t immediately clear whether the Angel of Harmony, which stood 14 feet (4.3 meters) tall and depicts a Black angel protecting three children of various races, could be saved. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that part of one of the children was broken off and the angel’s wings appeared to be damaged.

The motive for Tuesday night’s vandalism was unknown, said police, who arrested a 35-year-old suspect

In Texas, this clown would have been shot on sight:

A man accused of stalking and harassing UConn basketball star Paige Bueckers said on social media that he intended to marry her and had an engagement ring and lingerie in his possession when he was arrested near a Connecticut airport, according to police reports.

At least he didn't try to shoot someone in order to impress her.
At a luncheon a few days ago, another diner was discussing the security upgrades to school classroom doors. When I was a kid, they didn't even lock. The only threats were fires, tornadoes and Russian ICBMs. What a country we've become that we now have to have security doors in schools.


  1. Silly season... Year of the jackpot.

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


  2. Before the asswipe crushed it:


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