Saturday, September 21, 2024

Clearly, This Guy Has Some Serious Problems

Republican North Carolina gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson's alleged past adult website scandal has escalated with a new accusation that Robinson praised Nazi leader Adolf Hilter's manifesto Mein Kampf.
In addition to a multitude of posts reported on by CNN, which included Robinson allegedly calling himself a "Black Nazi," defending slavery, repeating homophobic slurs and fondly recalling "peeping" on women, The Washington Post reported on Friday that "minisoldr" also expressed an affinity for Nazi literature.

"Mein Kampf is a good read," the Nude Africa user reportedly wrote in a thread on book recommendations. "It's very informative and not at all what I thought it would be. It's a real eye opener."

All of the Robinson-linked posts were mysteriously deleted from the Nude Africa website within 24 hours of the CNN report being published, according to Politico.

He's a self-professed peeping tom, a guy who likes tranny porn, a Black guy who wants to see slavery brought back, who wants to join the KKK, who describes himself as a "Black Nazi" and his opinions on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. mirror those of the John Birch Society and J.Edgar Hoover, which is described here. He's looney enough that, if he were to be sent to prison, he'd try to join the Aryan Brotherhood.

There weren't too many Black people in Germany in the 1930s, but if there were, is there a shred of doubt that the Nazis would have sent them to the concentration camps right along with the Jews? How messed up in the brain does one have to be to identify with the very same people who would kill him without a single qualm?


  1. "tranny" is the word Robinson uses. It's a slur.

  2. trumples deosn't want anything to do with him. He could help turn NC blue. Think of the recriminations.

  3. I don't believe it. Pitching to the lowest denominator. Yeah, all those other things, but that book was officially banned until the turn of the century. Not to mention he's not the kind of guy to actually read something and I don't think it's been published yet as a picture book

    His physical condition would've counted as "infirm" ...

  4. "How messed up in the brain does one have to be to identify with the very same people who would kill him without a single qualm?"
    Exactly as messed up as all of those poor people in red states who have died because the goddamn Republicans they voted for refused to expand Medicaid.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    1. Let’s not forget the quarter-million or so people who died of Covid, unvaccinated, after the vaccine was available because they believed the Trumpist conspiracy bullshit.

      Felon^34 could have saved a lot of those people. But he refused to be vaccinated in public because he was too vain to let anyone see his flabby arms.


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