Sunday, September 22, 2024

More Scams by Criminal Shitbirds

Some assholes are using Google Earth Street View to try to extort money from people.

We got one of them today. They do try to scare people.

Get the word out.


  1. Old news . 9/3 here

    1. 1) Not everyone knows.

      2) The comments there recommend a cybercrime report. But is there anything to report if the intended victim didn’t take the bait?

  2. I’ve received about 10 of them…all about an old address…whoopsie

  3. Got the same shit directed at my deceased mother's assisted living facility and promising all kinds of punishing leaks of her bad habits. Gimme 2K BITCOINS or ELSE!!

    Took one look at the sender and flushed it. The facility is still standing.

  4. My dad fell for the grandparent scam to the tune of $40,000. He wasn't stupid. He just hadn't heard of it and they're successful and evil at applied psychology. So, it's absolutely correct that "Not everyone knows". I got a "We saw you jerking off on your web camera, give us Bitcoin" email a couple of years ago. Since my web camera is in the drawer 99% of the time and I don't jerk off at my computer, I played cat with a ball of yard with him until it became boring. Education on how to identify scams is terrible and nobody who can do anything about it much seems to care.

  5. As long as there are gullible people there will be scammers. Just read recently how a mental health professional, meaning educated, was scammed. Even when the bank inquired why she was pulling out so much cash she insisted everything was alright. Why people believe emails or phone calls is beyond me but even being naturally cynical I still have a twinge of doubt if it's a scam message. Especially the ones that guess that you have dealings with Amazon, AT&T, Comcast, utility companies, the IRS, Microsoft etc. or have relatives that might be in trouble.

  6. Add this one to your radar set too

    Once bitten twice shy


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