Monday, January 6, 2025

Bezos Finds Another Way to Suck Up

By greenlighting a biopic about a mediocre fashion model from Communist Eastern Europe who married a wealthy American sexual predator.
Harry Turtledove has a casting suggestion for the lead role:


  1. Maybe the new term "Bezos" will replace the older term from the 90's. And Monica Lewinsky will be so relieved.

  2. LOL you didn't complain when Bezos was kissing your liberal asses.

    Rich folks know to follow the power, and your side lost most of it aside from domestic terrorism like Banning American Oil production, thanks Mr. Potato Head.

    Enjoy a rapidly falling lifestyle as the blowback from Democrat policies and Fed obedience to keep those economic plates spinning to avoid the Greater Depression and America's bankruptcy.

    1. Inflation's down, we're not officially at war with anyone, there's no pandemic, let's see if your Demented Orange God can keep that going.

      Oh, and did you forget that a quarter of the National Debt was incurred during the last time Your Bloated hero was in office? Yeah, I thought so.

  3. Actually we did complain about Bezos. However you memory of how
    it was is becoming like demented donnie's. But He will fix that and
    make reality match your memory of terrible things.

    The clown show is just beginning.



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