Monday, January 6, 2025

1/6/2021: Pepperidge Farm Remembers (and So Will I)

On this date, four years ago, the mentally unhinged and butthurt loser of the presidential election sicced a mob on the Capitol to try and overturn the election.

There was nothing peaceful about it. It was a coup attempt. The push by Republicans to rewrite the history of that day, to try and pretend it never happened, is disgusting, spineless and disloyal to the country. Today has become a day that MAGA Republicans, who claim to be the law-and-order party, celebrate assaulting and killing cops.


  1. What? Wait. I was told it was just a peaceful tour group and that security opened the doors and let them in.


  2. The Magats would have you curse your lying eyes.


  3. If it had been a coup attempt then they would have been armed and there would have been hangings and such. Also much better organized.

    But keep telling yourself it was a Coup if it makes you feel better.

    You know, and I know, that it was a protest that was led by agents provocateur.

    1. You are full of shit, as always, B. They had guns, they had them stashed in motels across the Potomac. You know that. But you deny reality.

      The fact that they were incompetent is no defense. Your side is composed of seditious bastards and traitors.


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