Monday, September 9, 2024

Two More Nazis Who Will Be Hoping for a Pardon From the FOFF

A white supremacist group that branded itself the Terrorgram Collective drew up a list of high-profile assassination targets including at least one senator and a district court judge, according to a federal indictment unsealed on Monday.

Prosecutors allege that the two leading agitators of the group incited followers on social media to commit hate crimes against Black and Jewish people, immigrants and members of the LGBTQ+ community.

[Asswipe-1], 34, of Elk Grove, California; and [Asswipe-2], 37, of Boise, Idaho; face 15 counts each of soliciting hate crimes and providing material support to terrorism. US justice department lawyers filed the 37-page indictment in district court in the eastern district of California on Thursday

Yep, they are Cadet Bone Spurs's peeps, all right.


  1. They should be behind bars for their natural life.


  2. Eck, there is nothing ‘natural’ in their behavior nor their life.


  3. "Drew up a list" implies they wrote it down. LOL

  4. Elk Grove? My wife goes there for medical appointments. She's going to have to change Doctors. Talk about the country going downhill.


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