Sunday, September 8, 2024

For Don Snoreleone, It's All About Grifting the Suckers

With less than 10 weeks before the presidential election, Donald Trump had a message for voters in late August: He would be selling more digital trading cards for $99 each.

“Fifty all new stunning digital trading cards — it’s really something,” Trump says in the ad. “These cards show me dancing and even holding some bitcoins.”
On Tuesday, he again took to Truth Social for another post: selling a book — $99 without his autograph, $499 with his autograph — of pictures of himself. “A MUST HAVE on U.S. History,” he called it.

In both cases, the money was not going to his campaign but to for-profit ventures he earns millions from promoting.

It's all about selling shit to the gullible MAGA crowd. In that, he's no different from the televangelists.

He excels at parting fools from their money.


  1. He likes suckers and dumb people as they don't ask embarrassing questions.


  2. You might think he'd be busy raising GQP money, or at least trying to finance his campaign, but no. He has to keep up on fleecing the suckers for his own pocket. It goes to show where his priorities are.

  3. "...or at least trying to finance his campaign"...I am convinced he has no interest in that, because he is sure that a combination of voter suppression, gerrymandering, threats of violence and out and out cheating in a few battleground States is going to put him back in the White House, regardless of what the voters want.


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