Sunday, September 8, 2024

Trump Persists in Living in Ya-Ya Land

Donald Trump rolled out a bonkers, evidence-free claim about gender-affirming care for children during a campaign rally on Saturday.

“Can you imagine you’re a parent and your son leaves the house and you say, ‘Jimmy, I love you so much, go have a good day at school’ and your son comes back with a brutal operation,” Trump told the crowd in Mosinee, Wisconsin.

“Can you even imagine this? What the hell is wrong with our country?”

What the hell is wrong with our country when the presidential candidate of a major party can persist with spewing such unmitigated bullshit and nobody from his own party openly wonders whether or not he has lost his marbles.

Be clear on this: This is as much a pernicious lie as it was to claim that Jews use the blood of Christian children to make matzoh for Passover.

He is a fucking bigot, people, and he spews bullshit. If you vote for him, I respectfully suggest that Trump's bigotry attaches to you.


  1. The level of idiocy from COFF and Moms for Lunacy is to the extreme.
    From all reads on the net the cost and time for surgery is not trivial
    and they all manage to ignore all of it. Noise for the sake of noise.

    Its just for Propaganda and FUD.. making for irrational, divisive, and
    bigoted i noise. The average MAGAT is persistently stupid enough
    to believe it and impermeable to education.


  2. Trump loves the uneducated.

  3. Coming back with a brutal operation? Is that like having a plug ugly sweetheart ??


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