Monday, September 9, 2024

He's Lucky They Didn't Jonny Gammage Him

Tyreek Hill of the Miami Dolphins was handcuffed and placed face down on a street outside the team’s stadium after he was stopped for speeding and reckless driving Sunday morning before the Dolphins’ first game of the season, an incident that left the star wide receiver baffled and resulted in a police officer being placed on administrative leave.

Black guy driving an expensive sports car... yeah, he's lucky that the cops didn't kill him right then and there.


  1. Not sure how to unpack this one. Scheffler got arrested and taken to jail on his way to work. Something like two barney fifes got all excited and the political end result will be about the same with race thrown in. Is this part of the panem et circenses ?

  2. More deets here

    Skip past the political stuff.

  3. If the reckless driving goes away, all of the charges go away. The McLaren is as capable as my 69 427 Corvette was back in 1975 and then some. The statutes vary some from state to state.


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