Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Remember Why Trump and Harris Have Never Met

They would have met at the swearing-in on January 20, 2021. But Trump threw a hissy fit and, like a toddler stamping his tiny feet, he stomped off to Florida instead of fulfilling his Constitutional duty and carrying out the peaceful transfer of power.

He lost, he knew that he lost, and he has been conning his cultists ever since. He's brainwashed a thousand or so people to commit felonies and do jail time.

Felon^34 has bamboozled tens of millions of Americans and there seems to be little sign of them waking up anytime soon.

Also: "Donald Trump has a one-percent lead among lunatics who answer unknown calls on their phones." -- Jimmy Kimmel

1 comment:

  1. He's finally admitted that he lost but he is still saying he was cheated. What a putz.


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