Tuesday, March 9, 2021

What Would We Ever Do Without Florida Man?

The alleged perp attempted to have sex with a stuffed unicorn and Olaf (the snowman from Frozen). It's all on tape.

Both of the stuffed critters were destroyed, The living critter is in the dingbat ward.

If he gets sent to prison, the conversations with the other cons should be epic.


  1. LOL ~ Sometimes the snark just writes itself.

  2. Well, in his defence, unicorns and Olaf are hot.

  3. If he had done it with a jar of peanut butter, there would be no need for a psych eval - it would be clear to everyone he's F'n nuts.

  4. I bet he voted for tRump.
    Just saying.

  5. As a Florida Man for roughly 44 years, I can tell you this: I understand why he had sex with the unicorn. A snowman, however, is unheard of in these parts.

  6. Don't furries usually have a person in them? On the other hand, you can't get covid without one.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  7. People for the ethical treatment of stuffed animals: PETSA.

    Tod: Unicorns are only OK around virgins. Someone who been around the block, nope. But stuffed animal fetishists? Our perp is in real trouble.


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