Wednesday, March 10, 2021

After the Second Shot

This soon will apply to me, so I'm stoked.

But I'm still not going to Texas or the other states run by anti-science lunatics.


  1. Got my 2nd shot Wednesday. Not feeling great today. Totally worth it.

    But where is the science that shows Texas, Florida et al are wrong? All I have seen are educated guesses- and only one set of educated guesses. Educated guesses from others are suppressed and/ or called 'disinformation'.

    This is what St. Fauci told CNN's John Berman earlier this week when asked “what’s the science” behind travel bans for the vaccinated:

    “When you don’t have the data and you don’t have the actual evidence, you’ve got to make a judgment call.”

  2. Judgment calls by those trained in the relevant science and epidemiology aren't exactly like licking it off a stone. I'd trust such a judgment call by Dr. Fauci over that of Govs. Abbot and DeathSentence any day of the week.

  3. I refer to those also trained in the relevant science and epidemiology who disagree, not governors. And those judgement calls are still not based on science.

    The Covid death rates of TX and FL are much the same as most states. Who is doing better?

    statista com/statistics/1109011/coronavirus-covid19-death-rates-us-by-state/

  4. I believe South Dakota is the worst if that helps


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