Thursday, November 7, 2019

OK, Billionaire

Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire former mayor of New York City, is opening the door to a 2020 Democratic presidential campaign, signaling his dissatisfaction with the current crop of candidates vying to take on President Donald Trump.
I dislike Bloomberg. He's just another goddamned billionaire who made a reputation in NYC of trying to be a national nanny ("Mayor McBig Gulp"). When he was the mayor of New York City, they had term limits. Bloomberg spread a ton of cash around ("campaign contributions") to get the city council to ditch term limits, something that the voters of the city had twice voted for.

Bloomberg has no party loyalty. Republican, Independent, Democrat, Bloomberg turns his coat as it suits him (like Trump). He is a megalomaniac and a fascist. He has been one of the backers of stopping and frisking minorities.

We don't need another arrogant billionaire as president. Between Trump and Bloomberg, the only rational choice is blackout drinking.


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