Monday, March 18, 2019

Quote of the Day

"No one will ever love you the way that they loved my father." Meghan McCain, responding to Trump's weekend tweetstorm

Trump can't let go of McCain.

What an utterly pathetic man-child we have for a president.


  1. And today the moron-in-chief tweets that Joe Biden has a low IQ because he mis-spoke during a speech. Did our Cheetos president forget that he said “would” then the next day said he mis-spoke and meant “wouldn’t”. Or the time he said “God bless the United Staashh”. Or the time he talked about the space cap-sicle. Or the instance when he tried to say anonymous but instead slurred “anonimmess”. Or the time, oh never mind.

    He’s such a fucking idiot.


  2. He's not wrong about McCain.

    Having said that, when silence is called for, you can often count on Donnie to say the wrong thing.

  3. That would be the first time he got something right in a Tweet, B.

  4. B., it is already proven who released that “dossier”, and it wasn’t McCain, so, no, he’s wrong.

  5. THe Dossier is only part of it.

    But McCain is gone. Let it be.

  6. Sorry, but you brought up the subject, B. Can’t bring it up , then decide that your best bet is to imitate a clam.

    Fox News is not your friend.

  7. Dark Avenger, please take it down a notch.

  8. Wait, B hasn’t told me I’m smarter than that, yet.

  9. B., the tweet started about McCain releasing the dossier, a proven falsehood. Then he doubles down by calling a false accusation a “stain” and complains because his little project got derailed by a McCain vote, and adjudged that a “stain” too because he believes it is. Donnie is wrong.

  10. The LA Times talked to some vets, some of whom are Fergus' supporters, and they are not happy with the anti-McCain tweets.

    -Doug in Oakland


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