Monday, March 18, 2019

Dems 2020

Frankly, there are too many folks running for me to care very much. Pete Buttigieg's book was interesting. He's qualified for the debates. But he's young and, if this turns out to be a training run, he'll be positioned for 2024 and into the 2040s.

The pack will thin out over the coming months. And then, maybe I'll start to shiv a git.

1 comment:

  1. I read up on Buttigeig, and was very impressed with the gentleman. The Christian Right will have kittens, but the man is skilled at outreach and governing, a very strong contender in perhaps 2028 or 2032. On the other hand, he might be a perfect VP candidate for one of the others, and I don’t think he would pull a Quayle, and the exposure might set him up for 2024, if Donnie wins again.


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