Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Whiny-Ass Devin Nunes Discovers the Streisand Effect

So Devin Nunes sued both Twitter and some dude for a parody Twitter account, Devin Nunes' Cow.

At the time Devin the Whiner filed his case, @DevinCow had just over a thousand followers. It's well over 200K, now. It's adding a thousand or so followers every few minutes.

One of the bedrock principles of this country is that politicians are fodder for comedians and satirists. Funny how those people who say that they love freedom change their minds when they are on the receiving end of people who are exercising theirs.

I would have thought that we would have had to search far and wide to find a politician with a thinner skin than Trump. Well, Devin, we have a winner!


  1. We did some housecleaning of congressional Republicans last fall, and I was kinda hoping we'd be rid of him, but no. Just goes to show that we do vote for some silly stuff here sometimes.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. 320K followers of @DevinCow as of this morning. Good work, Devin!

  3. 406K as of 1:00pm EDT


  4. 453.4k (plus one) at 4:25 PM EDT, 3/20/19

  5. 501K at 2035 EDT. Devin, himself, is stuck at 396K.

  6. 559.6k at 0632 EDT,, March 21st, 2019, still climbing quicker than a politico after a “contribution”.

  7. Ladies and gentle beings, once again the Streisand Effect is proven to work exceptionally well.

  8. 597.5k, likely to top 600k during the National Evening News tonight.

  9. 600K, with no mention on ABC News (so far).


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