Saturday, February 2, 2019

No Wonder Trump Can Watch TV for Eight Hours a Day

He's not doing any real work.
As of Wednesday morning, President Donald Trump has had nothing on his schedule this week except his daily intelligence briefing and a lunch with Vice President Mike Pence. The open calendar comes after Trump on Friday agreed to temporarily reopen government without getting his demand for border wall funds, which he has insisted is not a concession but time for more negotiations with Democrats.
I'm not including the time Trump spends sending out his tweets, since he probably does that watching the Trump Propaganda Network.

Trump could probably spend the day in a bathrobe and nobody'd be the wiser.


  1. It would be nice if he just wouldn't get out of bed at all.

  2. I wonder if he wears old tissue boxes on his feet in the private quarters?

  3. Found time to travel to Florida and play some golf today. The scramble to be the first tell all out the door AFTER Donnie leaves office, and thus cannot do nearly as much to attack the author, will be hilarious.

  4. Tonight's best Super Bowl comment: Both sides played like they knew the winners would have to go to the White House.


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