Saturday, February 2, 2019

Bad Times for Ralph

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam appears to have almost no choice but to resign after losing support from virtually the entire state Democratic party and other key allies, who urged the governor to leave office because of a racist photo in which he appeared more than 30 years ago.
When Ralphie was at VMI, his nickname was "Coonman". Which sounds either racist, or, in the alternative, an accusation of bestiality. "Pencil Dick, the Raccoon Fucker"?

How he survives this is anyone's guess. He's probably going to be a "former governor" before the weekend is out.


  1. While I understand that people evolve and change, and we cannot hold people accountable of every little foible, this hardly feel into the “little foible” category. If we are to demand people are held accountable for their actions, this one seems to lie on the fall on your sword side. Interestingly enough, he is from a farming background and attended a predominantly black high school, so he’s not a tone deaf elite, just a dumb twentysomething. That being said, I’m sure we all have some things we regret.

  2. Kinda makes me wonder what people think before they run for office. "None of that stuff I did will ever be found out, and it's not important anyway..."
    Yes, it will be found out, and yes it is important, especially to your political rivals.
    And all of those folks who worked their asses off to get you elected? You just made them regret their effort and contributions.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. I have a real problem with this. Everyone did stupid stuff. It is getting silly that that there can be no forgivness for something done 35 years ago. People get too butt-hurt way too easily these days.


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