Sunday, February 3, 2019

Your Sunday Morning Rotor Noise


  1. Weird looking, but rather cool at the same time.

  2. Didn't the AF use early-model Kamans for airport rescue and fire-fighting at SAC bases?

  3. Looks like this one is rigged for logging. Pretty stable little helo, though not a lot of lift.

  4. IIRC it was the side by side dual rotor configuration that earned the early helicopters the 'eggbeater' nickname.

  5. HH-43 Huskie was used by USAF, USN and USMC for firefighting and base rescue, and later saw use in Vietnam for rescue duties. Not sure if it was SAC exclusive within USAF.

  6. CenterPuke beat me to it. Odd configuration, but it works, even if it does sound weird...

  7. The Marines used two of them in Afghanistan as drone cargo haulers. They hauled over a million pounds on their trial there.

    Fun trivia: Both the HH-43 and the K-Max rotors use a single wooden spar for fatigue and damage resistance.


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