Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Shorter Tom Price: "Government Spending Isn't Wasteful When the Money's Spent on Me!"

In a sharp departure from his predecessors, Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price last week took private jets on five separate flights for official business, at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars more than commercial travel.

The secretary’s five flights, which were scheduled between Sept. 13 and Sept. 15, took him to a resort in Maine where he participated in a Q&A discussion with a health care industry CEO, and to community health centers in New Hampshire and Pennsylvania, according to internal HHS documents.
One of those charter flights was from Dulles to Philadelphia, a route well-served by both the airlines and Amtrak. When you factor in time for security and travel time out to Dulles, Amtrak's probably even quicker.

This is how it is for the Trumpist Grifters: Live large off the Federal purse whilst squeezing down on programs that assist the poor, disabled and the elderly.

The shade of Marie Antoinette is probably looking at this and saying Vraiment?

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