Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Guess Whose Greasy Fingers Are On the Toys Я Us Bankruptcy?

Bain Capital. It seems that those fuckers were involved in a leveraged buyout of Toys Я Us that loaded the company up with debt.

Bloomberg News thinks that Bain is going to lose a ton of money on this. Right, in a pig's eye.


  1. I'm still waiting for iheartradio to slide into bankruptcy - it has similar problems of being loaded up with debt, and about a year ago was struggling to satisfy the market, after being downgraded.

  2. Was Bain involved with them?

  3. Indeed they were. In 2008, Bain Capital and Thomas H. Lee Partners took Clear Channel (now IHeartRadio) through a $20 billion ride. Interest payments are expected to sink the company by early next year.

  4. Wow, I never thought I'd like Bain for anything, but if they sink Clear Channel, they did a good thing.

    They still suck, but CC was the worst.

    -Doug in Oakland


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