Monday, February 6, 2017

Palin's Grift Peters Out, Sort Of

It was all about the grift for Palin.
Palin has officially shut down Sarah PAC as of the end of 2016. ... In the 2016 election cycle, Palin's Sarah PAC spent $830,000 on consultants and just $82,500 in donations to other candidates — a.k.a its ostensible purpose. Not only that but Sarah PAC spent $168,000 on travel and lodging expenses during the 2016 election — double what it donated to candidates, which is its ostensible … well you get the idea.

This was not an isolated incident. In the 2010 election cycle — when Sarah PAC was functioning on all cylinders — it raised $5.6 million and spent $4.3 million. Just $509,000 of that total — less than 12 percent of total expenditures — went to either candidates or political/party committees.
Palin's PAC has been more of a grifitng operation than the Wounded Warrior Project. And that says something.


  1. Which is why, even though I liked her message, she got zilch from me.

  2. My standards for donation are at 90%, but favor 95%+.


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