Monday, February 6, 2017

Trumplethinskin Inflates His Own Bubble of Reality

On Monday morning, President Trump began the tweetweek with a response to recent polling showing that his executive order on immigration is more unpopular than it is popular. And lo:

Any negative polls are fake news, just like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the election. Sorry, people want border security and extreme vetting.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 6, 2017

(Among those polls, one from CNN-ORC aired shortly before Trump’s tweet, reinforcing the idea that many of his morning tweets may be responses to what he sees on television.)
Think about that for a minute. Anything that Trump disagrees with is "fake news".

Bad polls-- Fake.

Science-- Fake.

Crowd size estimates-- Fake.

Voter turnout-- Fake.

The efficacy of vaccines-- Fake.

Heliocentric solar system-- Fake.


  1. Not sure he's wrong about the poll being 'Fake News".

    The polls are often manufactured to show a predetermined outcome. I trust no news media anymore.

    And remember, the polls also showed that Hillary was gonna win by a landslide....

    Which doesn't say you are wrong or that the poll is wrong....just that the veracity of the media's reporting and the polls is ....suspect.

  2. No, the polls said Hillary was ahead in the vote by about 3% on the eve of the election. Hillary beat Donnie by just under three million votes, or a 2.1% lead in pure vote total, or 2.3% in a head to head popular votes. Given most of those polls showed a margin of error of 3%, they actually nailed it. The problem was the people writing the stories often had a poor understanding of statistics, and therefore missed two vital factors, that popular vote does not translate directly into Electoral vote, and that a lead within the margin of error is not much to write home about.

    Poll questions, their order, their offered answers and such are often the factors that skew responses, but the better polls all pretty much nailed the popular vote margins, so there goes that theory.

    As for the "Fake News", it seems disingenuous to suggest that everything that is not something you like is "fake"...and that suggests you are lying at least some of the time.

  3. This is just one aspect of the gaslighting the Bannon/Trump administration are attempting to compensate for their unpopularity with.
    For the media, it's like a Gish gallop: so many lies are produced so close to one another that no one lie gets much individual scrutiny and the outrageousness of the tactic distracts from actual noteworthy events.
    And it works more than it should. Especially on Trump's voting base, who he believes he has no other accountability so long as they back him for re-election.

    -Doug in Oakland


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