Friday, August 12, 2016

Because It's Friday

UP 844 is back out from her overhaul:

True foamers will note that the "safety diesel" is a railroad rockstar in its own right, as the sole remaining operation Centennial-class locomotive.


  1. What's the funny looking car directly behind the coal (or is it fuel oil?) tender? Wish the photographers could insert a speed readout....

  2. Water tender. 844 burns oil.

  3. Here in the East trains blow 2 long, a shot and a long for a crossing. Unless the rules are different for steam, was that engineer tooting with a California accent?

  4. Montag,

    They do photo runbys for people to get stills and video, and apparently the crowd loves them some steam whistle. It's really obnoxious listening to edited videos that show mostly runbys. I usually have to mute. Generally, when they show actual crossings, it's the two longs, a short, and a long as they roll through the crossing.

    ZJX, ORD, ZAU retired


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