Tuesday, July 23, 2013

If You Let the Valets Park Your Car at the Airport, the TSA Will Search It.

Or they'll cut a deal with the parking service to search your car a few times, and maybe collect your spare change.

I agree with this post, in that the TSA keeps pushing to see what sort of intrusions people will tolerate. They're not searching cars parked in the regular parking lots, because there. they'd have to interact with the drivers themselves, who are likely as not to not only tell them to fuck off, but to go post their experiences on the Internet. So they'd rather get some $9/hr valet parker to do their dirty work for them.

At least the valet service at the Rochester Airport told their customers that they were rifling through their cars at the behest of the TSA.

This is the sort of stuff that every last one of us needs to push back against. Once this kind of crap becomes routine, it's too late.

In other related news, the AOPA now has their version of the ACLU's "bust card". If you fly in this age of Vanishing Civil Liberties, you should have copies of both cards in your flight bag.

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