Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Stopping the Bleeding; Dubai Edition

A Norwegian woman who was sentenced to prison in Dubai after reporting that she was raped has been given a pardon and will be heading home soon, she said Monday. ... A spokeswoman for Norway's Foreign Ministry, Ragnhild Imerslund, said Dubai ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum had said [Marte Deborah] Dalelv was free to travel where she wants and can remain in Dubai if she chooses.
That just gets this story out of the news cycle. The laws in Dubai haven't been changed. A woman in Dubai (and probably most countries in that region) who is raped and calls the cops stands a chance of being arrested for being the victim of a violent crime.

Which is a good reason to stay the hell away from there. Unless, say, you're sitting in the front office of a bombed-up B-1B.

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