Thursday, April 8, 2010

Lighting Up Reuters

You've probably seen stories by now about the shooting of a Reuters crew by an Army attack helicopter.

I'm not throwing the chorus of rock-throwers.

This is why.


  1. Lightening up on the soldiers involved I can go with. The comments and joking are a fact of the job they have been doing.

    What is horrible is how we have, once again, turned our soldiers in to occupying police officers...something ruinous to morale and discipline. Why can't we learn this vital lesson?

    It is incidents like these that vilify the United States to the rest of the world...people who don't understand the pressure and the events these soldiers deal with won't understand the jokes and comments. Instead, we are just seen as hypocrites...water-boarding is OK on our prisoners but we'd scream bloody murder if used on captured "good guys"...shoot first, ask questions later, cover-up last.

    The real villans in this are the high-ups who allowed us to get put into this mess and who, instead of being honest, decided to bury this as deep as possible...making it appear even worse that it was!

  2. In my “opinion” the shooting of the van that was picking up the wounded people was unnecessary or that less it could have waited. There was no indication of hostile fire from them; they could have been followed. This reminds me of the farmers that were plowing their field being killed in the same way.

  3. From the video soundtrack, it was clear the helicopter crew believed it was an RPG, not a camera, that was being aimed in their direction.

    Regarding the van, I too have questions about that, but I'm not going to try to second-guess whether I would have lit up the van or not if I'd been the chopper gunner. I have a hard time thinking that I'd be very concerned about the well-being of folks who are picking up injured people that, as far as I know, were about to shoot me with an RPG only a minute or so prior. Friends of my enemies are not my friends and all that.

    In short, not seeing much here except war being hell, which I already knew. No deliberate targeting of a reporter was done here as far as I can tell.


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