Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hey, Robert Rubin, Go Hang Yourself!

Mistakes were made. Everybody is sorry. And nobody will ever be held accountable.
Robert E. Rubin, an influential Citigroup board member and adviser, also showed some contritionbut stopped short of accepting personal responsibility for the bank’s woes.

“We all bear responsibility for not recognizing this, and I deeply regret that,” Mr. Rubin said.
The fucking congressmen ought to be ashamed of themselves. This bit of "Oh, I'm So Sorry Theater" doesn't do a damned thing, other than get the faces of the idiots on either side of the hearing on C-Span. If they are going to do the Japanese thing and deeply apologize, can we at least get some of them to commit seppuku?

At least Congressman "Midway May Capsize" Johnson was good for entertainment value. These clowns, not so much. These hearings on what caused the financial collapse are, as far as I can see, could only be more of a waste of time if they, instead, held hearings on "how to have a stable marriage" and invited Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani and Bob Barr to testify.

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