Thursday, April 8, 2010

In Case You Were Ever Wondering What Happened to the Former East German Border Guards...

They found jobs. They went to work for the TSA.

See, there was a family which was moving a member of their family from his home to a nursing home. The gent in question was very old, was suffering from advanced dementia, and was in a wheelchair. The old man had a catheter which drained into a bottle which was taped to his leg.

That didn't suit the TSA goons. They pulled out the catheter.

1 comment:

  1. That's odd. TSA policy explicitly prohibits TSA security officers from removing medical devices such as urine bags and catheters or from asking you to do so. See TSA Special Needs Travelers Information. Any TSA security officer who has done such a thing should be immediately reported to his supervisor and via immediate followup to your Representative in Congress, whose office should be able to tell you what happened to the moron in question and assist in making sure his next job is asking whether you'd like fries with that order, please.


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