Saturday, April 4, 2009


Today is Black Cat Caturday.

First, an older photo of George. He was eight when this photo was taken (he is 12 now).

This was Teddy. He was six at the time and already in rather iffy health. His time ran out just before his eighth birthday. That was almost three years ago.

Teddy was not my cat, but I loved him. When I would visit, we'd play a game where I'd spread a sheet of newspaper over the floor and then wave the tip of a large feather out from under it. He'd watch the feather move in and out and track it when I poked it out from a different place. Then he'd lunge and try to grab it.

In this photo, he was lying on an ottoman that he regarded as his piece of furniture. If any other cat tried to lie on it,Teddy, who was normally very easygoing, would beat the crap out of them. One time the ottoman had to go out for re-upholstering; Teddy followed it to the door and probably would have gotten into the truck if he could.

If you look at last week's Caturday for a photo of Rocky, Teddy pretty much raised Rocky.  Teddy used to groom Rocky with particular attention to cleaning his ears.

Rocky has not been the same since Teddy died.

And if that has not been enough of a bummer for you, go read another blogger's tribute to his cat. Fair warning, you may need tissue.

They really do work their way into our hearts.


  1. I am a far better man thanks to the animals in my life. I couldn't imagine my home without a dog.

  2. I love the kitties! You know, ours are now contraband so I don't want to write about them anymore, lest the landlord find out about them somehow.

    I couldn't have imagined giving them up, though.


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