This chart lists the known memos of the Bush Administration.
I'd like to make three points. First off, it would appear that the assault on our system of civil liberties by the goons in the Bush Administration was far broader and deeper than the MSM has ever come close to covering.
Second, if you note the authors of the various memoranda, you may note a pretty good correlation with the list of "persons of interest" now under investigation for war crimes by the Spanish authorities.
Third, it is arguable that we cannot count on the armed forces of the United States to fulfil their primary duty contained in their oath of office. For if they had, Bush and Cheney would have been removed from office by force. Bush and Cheney were the true enemies of the Constitution, they did far more damage to this nation than any bunch of terrorists. If those two ghouls had decided to abolish free elections and seize power, they probably would have received the support of a clear marjority of the armed forces. Oh, some would have rebelled, but not all that many.
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