Monday, June 23, 2008

70 Million Acres

That's almost 110,000 square miles.

That's a tad bit smaller than the area of Arizona.

That is the area of the Gulf of Mexico where the oil companies have oil and gas leases and where they are not drilling.

The next time some Wingnut asshole (OK, there is some redundancy there) starts ranting about "liberruuls" and drilling in ANWAR, ask this question:

Why should we give the oil industry new areas to drill in until they finish up drilling where they already have the right to drill?

Would you give your kids dessert if they don't finish what they already chose to put on their plates?


  1. That is the argument that the mainstream media cannot seem to grasp. **sigh**

  2. Doc Z, I did pick that story up from CNN, which isn't exactly Mother Jones.


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