Monday, June 23, 2008

Last Chore Before Bedtime Last Night

And that was to give Gracie yet another butt shampoo.

Which was just the thing that I really wanted to do before hitting the rack to get ready for another week at Ye Olde Salte Mine....


  1. You know, if Gracie is getting this issue from loose stools, you could try something a vet told me once. He suggested givng the cat a treat of a tablespoon or so of cottage cheese to firm the kitty-crap up a bit. It did seem to help. Cause yeah, ass-cats were never my favorite thing either.

  2. She doesn't have loose stools. What happens is a turn hangs up on her ass and then she sits down somewhere and that mooshes it into her ass.

  3. Ah, different cause. Poor kitty. Poor Misfit.


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