Monday, June 23, 2008

Are Republicans Praying For a Terrorist Attack?

You might conclude that from the words of Charlie Black. McCain's chief strategist: "Certainly it would be a big advantage to him."

Of course, now that his words have gone viral, Black is apologizing profusely. Sort of. Maybe.

I think it just shows the mind-set of those maggots.

Remember the 2004 elections? Every other week, the Committee to Re-elect the President Department of Homeland Security was playing games with the Stoplight of Death. This week it is orange. No, it's yellow, but orange for airlines. No, now it's yellow for airlines and orange if you work on Wall Street, but it's flaming-ass red if you are a Republican trying to hold onto your job.

Once the election was over, two things happened in short order. First, the Stoplight of Death went to yellow and stayed there. Second, the Marines assaulted Fallujah, an attack they had to hold off on executing for seven months, only because the Bush Administration did not want to see that on the evening news during the election season.

Yes, the Bush Administration let the fucking resistance have seven months to prepare for an attack just so it wouldn't cost Bush or his minions some votes.

So now we know: The Republicans pray for terrorist attacks, they play games with the terrorist threat level and they will gladly sacrifice a few hundred Marines if they can get any advantage out of it.

The question is this: Are the American people gullible enough to buy into the GOP fear machine this time around?


  1. Ha! You are either with us, or you're French!

  2. Yes.

    Next question?

    -- Badtux the Cynical Penguin

  3. Big difference between being a cynic and being an honest observer.


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