Thursday, November 15, 2007

More on Blackwater's Rabbi

"Rabbi", as in the New York slang term for a "protector."

I don't have to get snarky about this article, the article has its own snark.

Though it's pretty interesting that Rep. Chris Shays (R-CT) was giving Howard "Cookie" Krongard a back rub during a recess of the hearing. Given how diligently Shays and his fellow Loyalists were defending Krongard until the walls of Krongard's defenses crumbled, I'm surprised that Shays didn't fall down to his knees and give Cookie a blowjob.


  1. 'm sorry this is off topic but It's the only way I know to get ahold of you.
    Knowing that you are a plane buff, I was wondering if you had seen this;

    about the P-38 Lightning that was uncovered by sand in Wales they want to get and restore.

  2. Bad link, too long.
    Go to CBS news.

  3. Thanks, that is a really neat story.

    I'm not sure that the structure is going to be good for much, what with aluminum being buried in saltwater sands for 65 years, but it is a neat story nonetheless.


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