Thursday, November 15, 2007

Free Advice on Public Relations

This article discusses the debate within the government on how to best deliver the US's message on "what are we fighting for."

Here is my free, unsolicited advice to the government:

Nothing loses support over the long run more than propaganda. If everything you talk about or publish is slanted and spun, people will not trust what you have to say. There was an old joke in the Soviet Union that "there is no truth in Pravda and no news in Izvestia" (which was funny because the Russian word for "truth" is "pravda" and the word for news is "izvestia"). Both Pravda and Izvestia were as interested in telling the truth of the world as is Dana Perino, the current White House mouthpiece press secretary.

So my advice to the government is this: Always tell the truth. Do not spin, do not dissemble, do not slant and never lie. Tell the truth, even when the truth is painful. When things go wrong or are not as shiny as you'd like, tell the truth.

Nobody, other than party loyalists, will take the word of a liar or a spinner.

And that, in a nutshell, is why the Bush Administration is failing in attempts at winning support, both at home and overseas. Nobody trusts a liar and if there is one thing that is certain about the Iraq War, it is that the Bush Administration has lied, fibbed, spun and if there was ever any truth in what they said, it was stretched to the breaking point.

Bush has lied so much that he couldn't sell a life jacket to a drowning man. That is the problem we face as a nation, our president is a bald-faced liar. Nobody will trust him or his administration.

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