Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Eugene Robinson's Modest Proposal

"Jonathan Swift was being satirical with his "modest proposal" that the Irish eliminate poverty and hunger by eating their young. Let me know if you agree that Swift would heartily endorse my modest proposal: Bush administration officials who claim the "harsh" interrogation techniques being used on terrorism suspects are not torture should have to undergo those same techniques. Personally. Repeatedly."

While Eugene Robinson was being satirical, I think his proposal should be adopted. Let's strip Gonzalez, throw cold water on him and toss him into a freezing cell. Let's tie Dick Cheney into a chair and rough him up. Let's waterboard Chimpy. Let's do all of those things to David Addington and toss in a little bit of electrical interrogation while we're at it. Let's have a carload of neocons drive too close to a convoy guarded by mercenaries. (OK, the last one was out of bounds.)

I will bet that within ten minutes, we can get Chimpy to confess to war crimes.

We'll see if their opinions change.

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