Saturday, March 8, 2025

Stochastic Terrorism and GOP Cowards

Republicans are bending their knees because of fear of Musk and MAGA:

Fear of Musk's digital stormtroopers, who, unlike the original ones, are pimply-assed cowards who are hiding behind VPNs. But they are having an effect nonetheless.

Fucking Republican cowards. They could have fixed this for good four years ago, but led by Spineless Mitch, they did nothing then and they won't now.

(BTW, fuck that guy. Everybody hates him.)

1 comment:

  1. felon 45 was 30,000 or more lies. The latest version felon-47 is
    nothing is true. Assume whatever they say is a lie, if not a lie
    a grossly inflated, or a small kernel of truth used to build a lie.
    No matter as the cult of felon-47 will repeat it and if sufficiently
    outrageous the more repeated.

    Elron needs a good ass kicking and a healthy dose of Ritalin.



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