Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Prince of Fascism Surfaces His Malignant Head

Erik Prince is pitching Trump on using mercenaries to round up immigrants. Because nothing typifies evil in service of the government as Prince and his mercs. They're the same group of goons who sparked the Battle of Falluja and who massacred civilians in Baghdad.

There has been distain for mercenaries in this country ever since the Battle of Trenton. Mercenaries owe no loyalty to the Flag or the Constitution, only to their paymaster.

They are beyond evil. And Prince is one of the masters of evil.


  1. Even Machiavelli dissed them:
    "If they are lousy, they will lose your country for you; if they are good, they will take it away from you. Don't use mercenaries."

  2. I agree with your assessment in general.

  3. Never have liked the concept of contractors doing what the military used to do itself. lends itself to corruption, Everything does eventually but I agree.

    Eric prince is close to Trump. Not a good look.

    1. Not a good look for Eric Prince or King Trump?

    2. At this point he trusts no one. I understand, don’t agree


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