Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Squatting These Down, Here

This is still relevant:

1 comment:

  1. Hunter could always tell a story in interesting ways.
    And what kind of sick and twisted impulse would cause a professional sportswriter to deliver a sermon from the Book of Revelations off his hotel balcony on the dawn of Super Sunday?

    I had not planned a sermon for that morning. I had not even planned to be in Houston, for that matter. … But now, looking back on that outburst, I see a certain inevitability about it. Probably it was a crazed and futile effort to somehow explain the extremely twisted nature of my relationship with God, Nixon and the National Football League: The three had long since become inseparable in my mind, a sort of unholy trinity that had caused me more trouble and personal anguish in the past few months than Ron Ziegler, Hubert Humphrey and Peter Sheridan all together had caused me in a year on the campaign trail.



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