Wednesday, January 1, 2025


As you read the coverage of what happened in New Orleans last night, remember this: It's legal in Louisiana to run down and kill someone who is blocking the road.

That was a change in the law that was forced through by Republicans who wanted to be able to run over Black Lives Matter protesters.


  1. As a fun addendum, the metal posts that are normally erected for large events were not, so an enterprising defense attorney might just…

  2. Sure makes you wonder about that arc of history.

  3. A Cybertruck blew up this morning outside of Trump‘s hotel in Vegas. So far, nobody seems to be sure if it was a deliberate act or some kind of massive battery fault.

  4. I read that it was carrying "mortar type fireworks" and they don't know which blew first, the battery or the fireworks.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  5. At LGM is a report credited to NBC News that the Cybertruck was rented from the same agency as the NOLA truck. I have no idea...

  6. Unintended consequences on line 1: of course they couldn't imagine themselves as victims, not that the victims were anything other than New Years Eve celebrants, but still, they made it legal. If he hadn't shot at the cops and been killed, he'd probably have gotten off.


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