Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Musk Wants To Deny Americans Good Jobs So He Can Pay Dogshit Wages to Foreigners

Tesla has replaced some of its US employees who were let go as part of a big wave of layoffs earlier this year with foreign workers using H-1B visas, which CEO Elon Musk is now campaigning to increase.

So the "great replacement" is companies bringing in foreigners to work at skilled tech for less, thereby relegating American workers to the poorly-paid and harsh jobs formerly done by the migrants Trump will deport.

All this is being masterminded by the World's Richest Zillegal Immigrant, himself.

1 comment:

  1. My Puggle has a fully filled green bag, the contents of which shows his regards for Leon. He'd like to leave it as tip to the illegal immigrant and S*****R on all things good. It's all the pay he's actually worth.


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