Sunday, September 1, 2024

Your Sunday Morning Prop Noise

A-26 or B-26, depending on the era.


  1. Sounds like a Harley with bobbed pipes ...

  2. Round engine have a special sound that says power. I love it.
    However polishing that mus aluminum is not something I could get into,
    but its impressive.


  3. I live across the Hudson River from Rhinebeck...alas in the (wind from the NW) final leg flight path for the Kingston airport. Fixed wing is OK...planes are idle gliding in (except for the turkeys that misjudged the approach) but the effing helicopters: noisy, slow and all over the sky. But then there's the barnstorming flights out of Cole Palen's Aerodrome, flying a leg up the Hudson and the gorgeous slow stutter of a healthy rotary. I *smile* when I hear them.

  4. That is supposed to be a 'K' model. There is one sitting at Fort Worth that I've had the chance to crawl around on. And yes, glorious sound!

  5. What a perfect compliment to my morning coffee.


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