Sunday, September 1, 2024

Heh. Heh.

Mike Lupica said: “J.D. Vance is such a bad pick I can’t believe the Jets didn’t draft him.”

The Tired Wannabee Dictator apparently doesn't understand the English language, because he arguably called himself "defective". He was speaking at an event for Moms Support Fascism and, of course, nobody there understood that point. Because they're about burning books, not learning from them.

The dumb bastard party is apparently pushing to shut down the government at the start of the new fiscal year. The few remaining sentient adults in that party know full well that government shutdowns not only don't work, the American people (minus the MAGA Morons) know damn well who was responsible for them, for when the hostages get killed, the hostage-takers are the ones at fault.

Bobby Brain-Worm is suing North Carolina to get off the ballot and New York to stay on it. I suppose there is some sort of rational reason for both moves, but it looks as relentlessly skeevy as he is.


  1. Use an incognito window

  2. Edited, thanks. My error is that I thought it was in the NY Daily News.


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