Thursday, September 12, 2024

Scratch a Hell's Angel, Find an Iranian Agent

The Iranians are outsourcing murders to criminal gangs, including the Hell's Angels.

So they're not just criminals, they are traitors.

1 comment:

  1. If I hadn't burned m'uncle (Mateo, '58) fifteen years ago and sent his ashes down the River of No Return he'd be rollin' in his grave. The Originals, The Thirteen (13) were all WWII and Korea vets suffering from PTSD and would not have approved of what it has become. I can't quite put my finger on it because of so many mitigating factors not to mention so many years, but sometime in the eighties drinking beer riding my motorcycle around having fun stopped being fun; I burned my colors when they started dealing meth, covered over the tattoos at the turn of the century. This is a complete bastardization of what once was

    Though that source leaves me with a "feels fair" feeling ...


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